Psychometric Analysis of a Measure of Acceptance of New Technologies (UTAUT), Applied to the Use of Haptic Virtual Simulators in Dental Students

Bravo, L. G., Sagredo, M. F., Martínez, P. T., Penna, C. B., Molina, J. F., Stanciu, I. D., & Nistor, N. (2020). Psychometric Analysis of a Measure of Acceptance of New Technologies (UTAUT), Applied to the Use of Haptic Virtual Simulators in Dental Students. European Journal of Dental Education: Official Journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe.

Dorin Stanciu
Professor of Psychology. Doctoral supervisor/URR

I am a psychology and ergonomics/human factors researcher and teacher (with a focus on ML/AI applications, especially for NLU/NLP).